Pictures of the Art Room

This is a great starting off place for students who need help getting an idea to get started or something to look at while they are drawing.  This is filled with what I have gathered so far, but I hope to add more animal figures, dolls, action figures, flowers, and other things to help students draw.

This is a simple rubric I borrowed from another blog.  I loved that the wording was easy for my students to understand and I illustrated in a way typical of what I see my students doing at these various level.

This board will be changing based on a topic, media, artist, or technique that we are learning about.  I recently received this wonderful snake picture from a 1st Grade boy who used pattern as his background.  It inspired me to make Pattern the 1st concept we talk about this semester.

These are areas designated to showing students work using a particular media.  Depending on the type of media it may include reminders on set-up or they various types of materials that are available to use.

Artwork will be constantly changing around the Art Room to help give students ideas on the various way to use materials and to illustrate how other artist have created art.  I also have brought from home a digital photo frame.  ( I love the idea of the frame, but I forget to turn it on.  So it just collects a lot of dust at my place!)  In the frame I hope to show students artwork.  There will be occasions where we have to put away what we create at the end of the day (ie Building Blocks) or we may have no way to display it properly.  It will be just another tool that we can use to share our artwork with one another.

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