Choice-Based Art Education

Choice-based teaching and learning provides opportunities for students to develop and expand 21st Century Skills, to meet the need’s of today’s world, during art class.

Learners find and solve problems through inquiry, divergent thinking, play, reflection and evaluation. Students who bring ideas to class plan ahead for their work; others discover ideas by experimenting with media at studio centers.
Students who are intrinsically motivated will respond to problems in original and innovative ways.  Choice-based studio centers allow children to pursue and refine their ideas over time.
 Students learn to communicate their ideas and needs clearly because they are motivated to succeed at their self-directed work. Groups of self-selected learners form their own collaborative teams based on common interests and goals.
Students use technology to research ideas, find visual references and expand concepts. Teachers use technology to present information of relevance to the class.
 Learners self-assess and document  their progress in electronic portfolios. Teachers maintain assessments of student learning in formats that are compatible with their district expectations.
Every class brings unexpected discoveries that require students to be flexible and adaptable. Students interact with available resources in studio centers; teachers respond to incoming student ideas and artistic processes.
Learners become independent thinkers who are engaged in meaningful work from personal context. After a brief demo lesson, students begin their work without teacher assistance, setting up materials, pacing themselves and putting materials away at the end of class.
Students work with friends and classmates at will, sometimes collaborating, sometimes working side-by-side. Negotiations arise over shared materials and space. Peer coaching and discussions about ongoing work are prevalent in the studio centers. Students learn to recognize their own working style and preferences, and to appreciate the same of others. Personal work brings diverse perspectives in to the classroom.
Teachers design the learning environment and students are expected to maintain it, by keeping studio centers tidy and organized. Learners take responsibility for their own learning and behavior.  Students are expected to come to class with ideas or a willingness to explore materials and techniques. Learners show what they know and can do when they work independently and are held accountable for their progress. The teacher intervenes and modifies content as needed.

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