Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Upcoming Art Show

The 2nd Grade will be having their Art Show in December 19th.  It will be on display all day in the school gym for anyone to visit.  This coincides with their music program that will also be taking place that day. 

Due to space and other limitations students are only able to have one artwork on display in the show.  Because of this I will be trying something new this year to create the opportunity to share artwork in a digital format.  On December 9th from 6-7pm, I will be hosting an Art Show Opening Reception.  This will allow my students and myself to share with you our artwork together.  At this time we will also have the opportunity to showcase artwork on the big screen in the commons.  Don't forget to save the date!  See you soon.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November Art Stars

Every month students' artwork will be selected to hang in the school's main office, conference room, and the library.  The artwork is selected based on the student's creativity, craftsmanship, and work ethic.  Here are our November Art Stars....