The video was made by the talented Dryden 5th Grade students of Mrs. Fuglestad's Class to educate us all on Paint Brush care. "Young Sloppy Brush" now travels the country educating classes about his experiences.
The 2nd Graders are really catching on to the freedom of choice without getting overwhelmed by it. Other classes seem to love choice, but have trouble finishing artwork before moving on to a new choice. Here are some of the fantastic pictures by the 2nd Grade.
This first picture was the completed over a 3 week time period, as was the one below. I have been really impressed with the determination of these students to finish it to their best effort no matter how long it takes them.
This collage was created by another 2nd grader. I loved how the artist gave the Flamingo not only a name, but a personality as she talked about her artwork.
This young lady wrote a very nice story on the back of her paper to accompany the artwork. Here is what she wrote:
Me and
my Mom love to dance! So we put on a show and they love it. They threw
roses at me and my Mom. Then they threw more stuff. Soon it was time
to do another dance and they
love it. They threw more roses at
us. Soon it was time to go home and we danced
even more and more.
Here are some other fantastic artwork by 2nd Graders!
This little girl made the picture to cheer her mom up. She said "Mom doesn't usually wear dresses, but I put her in a dress anyway. I want to make her feel happy."
1st Grade Artwork
Kindergarten Artwork
When asked about the Dinosaur in the picture, the artist stated that "it's a dinosaur cloud." I know that as children we all see shapes in the clouds so it was really neat to me to see this in a child's artwork.